How Emotional wellness became our passion

Emotional unrest skyrocketed in 2019 and 2020 with the global COVID pandemic, financial stressors, wars, politics, and global climate change. This motivated us to identify transformational techniques for building emotional resilience, something almost everyone on the planet needs at some point.


Emotional imbalances are indifferent to socio-economic status, culture, education, orientation, age, etc. At some point in life, nearly everyone becomes overwhelmed by their emotional challenges, and struggles with their feelings.

Global Economic Burden Caused By Mental Health Disorders
$5 trillion
USl Economic Burden Caused By Mental Health Disorders
$1.9 trillion
People Who Experience A Bout of Mental Illness in their Lifetime
US Adults Living with Mental Illness
Adolescents Who Experience A Bout of Mental Illness
People Who Receive Mental Health Care
Amount of GDP Spent on Mental Health/Emotional Wellness

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) “mental health is one of the most neglected areas of public health. Close to 1 billion people live with a mental disorder, 3 million people die every year from the harmful use of alcohol, and one person dies every 40 seconds by suicide.  Studies increasingly show that by young adulthood, nearly everyone experiences a bout of mental illness.

Relatively few people around the world have access to quality mental health services. Their suffering is compounded by the fact that they are stigmatized, discriminated against, and often face punitive legislation.

WHO, United for Global Mental Health, and the World Federation for Mental Health are calling for a massive scale-up in investment in mental health.

If we could do just one thing and have the biggest impact, it would be in a way that impacts the most people at all levels of health, economy, and society: 

improve emotional resilience.

Unprecedented numbers of people are suffering under conditions of war, crime, climate stress, disease, financial strain, sexual violence, religious violence, and even family violence on top of their mental health burden. 

Doing something about mental health became an undeniable challenge once we found a method that leads to deep healing and lasting results. In the course of our lifetimes, we have witnessed the impact of unchecked mental illness, stigmatization of people suffering from emotional wounds, magnified by feeling unsafe, abandoned, or unloved. All too often we see violent expressions of emotional brokenness in mass shootings, human trafficking, and so many other human rights violations. We believe that can be changed with emotional resilience building. While it won’t eliminate crime, it can definitely shift things in a more positive direction. The emotional system, like other parts of our body, is prepared to heal its wounds. The conditions just have to be right. 

As resilience increases, violence decreases, family bonds and communities become stronger, and relationships more safe.  Parents can be more present and emotionally supportive of their children leading to generational healing and more resilient generations to come. 

Our goal is to help people recover from emotional wounds that cause pain and suffering, diminish their quality of life, and following golden rule of reciprocity, diminish our own.  Healing is much easier than people anticipate, and we believe everyone deserves to experience a healthy, balanced nervous system.


you are invited...

To be a part of the solution. Join us in combatting low emotional resilience by helping increase access to ONLINE emotional resilience building care, the number of practitioners trained in emotional resilience building techniques, and research into best practices. 
