This tool measures four major blocks people encounter when trying to increase their emotional resilience:
- emotional blocks
- core belief wounds
- deep emotional wounds
- self-care
Taking the survey will help you understand how you rank in each of these four dimensions, and provide suggestions regarding how to improve your emotional resilience based on each category score.
The contents of this quiz (content) are for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It is not a substitute for a medical exam, nor does it replace the need for services provided by a mental health professional.
Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you have read on this site.
I have done things that I am deeply ashamed of.
How many people really know me?
I can't really think of any experiences from childhood that still bother me.
Which are true for me most of the time?
I felt neglected and or abandoned when I was a child.
Which statement is the most accurate?
I am able to make time for myself everyday.
I'm good at finding solutions to everyday challenges.
I am active, or exercise...
I have been assaulted, robbed, attacked or trafficked.
I agree with the following statement(s):
When meeting new people, I generally...
When I am feeling down, this makes me feel better...
When I try to recall something good that happened, I also remember related things that hurt my feelings, made me angry or were disappointing.
The following statements describe how I feel:
I sometimes have emotional brain fog, confusion, or lack of clarity when asked my opinion?
Emotional brain fog is the confusion or mental vacuum that happens when you are overwhelmed by stress, mental or emotional pain